Coronavirus Update – CLINIC IS PLANNING TO RE-OPEN 4th July 2020

We are pleased to let you know that we plan to re-open from the 4th July.

We will be working within the guide lines given by the Government and Practitioner Governing Bodies.

We will be operating a reduced service to allow for time between clients for cleaning.

Please wait outside to be collected by your Practitioner you will then enter through the main entrance.

Please do not bring unnecessary belongings with you.

Please respect the two metres social distancing rules when waiting for your Practitioner.

Health screening questions will be asked and temperature taken, hands washed or cleansed.

If you don’t have a face mask you will be offered one at a cost £1.00.

You will then be escorted to the treatment room.

When treatment is completed you will be escorted out of the building via the side entrance.

There will be a reduced reception service.

Bookings can be made online or via email or phone.

If you leave a message on the answer phone it will be answered as soon as possible.

Payment should be made directly to the practitioner via bank transfer at the point of booking this will reduce contact within the clinic.

We are looking forward to seeing you all and getting back to a new normal.

Please do email if you have any queries or concerns.



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