Craniosacral Therapy is a subtle and profound method of healing, which is attracting increasing interest for its gentle, effective approach. It developed through the work of an American Osteopath, Dr. William Sutherland. He found subtle, intrinsic movements and rhythms in the body that he concluded were deeply linked with mental, emotional and physical health, and he thought that restrictions in these movements were related to a reduction of the body’s natural capacity to self-heal.
The treatment involves light and gentle hand contact on the body whilst lying fully-clothed on a treatment couch. Most clients find the effects are deeply relaxing, with benefits that continue for longer with successive treatments.
John Underhill BSc RSCT
- About John
- Working Days
- Fees
- Bookings
John joined Cheltenham Holistic Health Centre in 1986 as an Alexander Technique practitioner, having previously had a career as a science teacher in Secondary and Further Education.
After three years he decided to add to that experience and train in Craniosacral Therapy. Since then he has undertaken a good deal of further study. He is particularly interested in the resolution of the affects of stress, shock, injury and trauma.
As an Alexander Teacher he has had a lot of experience of working with musicians, particularly singers.
The focus of his work in both disciplines is on helping people to find what they want, rather than treating ‘conditions’. Since no two people are alike, his approach is always directed towards helping the individual in whatever way seem most appropriate and useful, and towards finding ways of enabling people to help themselves.
- Working Days: Wednesday, Friday
Craniosacral Therapy First Consultation: Adult £50 (45 mins.) Child £40 (45 mins.) Further Consultations: Adult £50
(45 mins.) Child £40 (45 mins.)
Katja Behrens
- About Katja
- Working Days
- Fees
- Bookings
Katja’s main focus always was to explore different ways of healing and transformation. She practiced the way of creativity and self-expression as an actress, the way of the body as a physio- and massage therapist, the way of integration through cranial sacral therapy and the way of homeopathy – matching the spirit of nature with the inner disease or unease.
She holds degrees and many years of practice in each of those disciplines. Every methodology promises healing, be it on the structural, the emotional or mental plane. Cranial sacral therapy is possibly the approach which touches particularly the emotional side in us, integrating the different levels, helping the body to relax and let go of resistance, to unwind from deep inside and find more freedom in movement of tissues and the connected feelings.
- Working Days: Tuesday
Craniosacral Therapy First Consultation: Adult £50 (45 mins.) Child £40 (45 mins.) Further Consultations: Adult £50
(45 mins.) Child £40 (45 mins.)