The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a method of helping people find more effective and efficient ways of using their bodies. By identifying and changing the harmful postural habits that often lead to stress and pain, people can be directed towards improved awareness, leading to easier and freer use of the whole self.

An Alexander Technique teacher is able, through verbal instruction and gentle guidance with the hands, to convey ways of moving with less tension in the body and with a lightness that is characteristic of a more youthful frame. The principles, once established in mind and body, can be applied to all daily activities.

How is the Alexander Technique taught?

Students wear everyday clothes and usually spend part of the lesson performing routine activities such as sitting, standing and lying down. Using the hands as well as verbal instruction, the Alexander teacher helps the student to release inappropriate tensions so that the body can become aligned and balanced.

What is the duration and frequency of the lessons?

The Alexander Technique is taught individually. Most students begin to experience the benefits relatively quickly but to change long-standing habits in a fundamental way we would generally recommend an initial course of ten or more weekly lessons. In addition to individual lessons, we also run short introductory courses for small groups throughout the year. These offer a good opportunity to try out the Technique before making a longer-term commitment.

Who can benefit?

Many people begin learning the Alexander Technique to help with chronic back or neck pain, headaches, stress, or bad posture. Sportsmen and women, musicians, dancers and actors also use the technique to improve body-awareness, coordination and performance. Almost any skill can be studied along Alexander lines, from working at a desk to giving on-stage performances.


John Underhill BSc RSCT

  • About John
  • Working Days
  • Fees
  • Bookings
  • john underhill chhc cheltenham alexander techniqueJohn joined Cheltenham Holistic Health Centre in 1986 as an Alexander Technique practitioner, having previously had a career as a science teacher in Secondary and Further Education.

    After three years he decided to add to that experience and train in Craniosacral Therapy. Since then he has undertaken a good deal of further study. He is particularly interested in the resolution of the affects of stress, shock, injury and trauma.

    As an Alexander Teacher he has had a lot of experience of working with musicians, particularly singers.

    The focus of his work in both disciplines is on helping people to find what they want, rather than treating ‘conditions’. Since no two people are alike, his approach is always directed towards helping the individual in whatever way seem most appropriate and useful, and towards finding ways of enabling people to help themselves.

  • Working Days: Wednesday, Friday

  • The Alexander Technique   
    First Consultation:Adult £50 (45 mins.)
    Child £40(45 mins.)