Acupuncture is a powerful system of treatment, which originated in China and has developed over thousands of years. Acupuncture works to help maintain your body’s equilibrium. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to regulate the flow of ‘qi’, your body’s vital energy. For a number of lifestyle and environmental reasons, qi can become disturbed, depleted or blocked, which can result in some symptoms of some pain, illness or disease. In many cases, traditional acupuncture can be an effective therapy to help restore balance and promote physical and emotional harmony.
Does Acupuncture Work?
Some people turn to acupuncture to help with a specific condition or symptoms. While other people choose to have acupuncture to help maintain good health, as a preventative measure, or to improve their general wellbeing.
During the first consultation, the practitioner carries out a thorough assessment including medical history, details of previous treatment, details of likes and dislikes, sleep patterns and emotional state. Diagnosis also includes an examination of pulse, tongue and blood pressure. Based on the diagnosis the practitioner will put together your personal treatment plan.
Acupuncture needles bear little resemblance to those used in injections and blood tests since they are much finer and are solid rather than hollow. When the needle is inserted, the sensation is often described as a tingling or a dull ache. Needles are inserted either for a second or two, or left in place for up to 20 minutes, depending on the effect required. The needles used are single-use, sterile and disposable.
There are around 500 recognised Acupuncture points on the body of which about 100 are most commonly used. Other techniques may also be used, such as moxabustion, a method of stimulating energy by heating it with smoldering herbs called moxa.
During the treatment sessions most people experience pleasant relaxation and often immediate changes in their symptoms.
Frequency and duration
The initial consultation takes 80 minutes; subsequent appointments are 40 minutes. Treatment usually begins on a weekly basis and, as symptoms improve, the interval is increased. The rate of improvement tends to depend on the individual rather than the complaint itself
Professional Standards
Membership of the British Acupuncture Council denotes that a practitioner has completed extensive training in Traditional Acupuncture at an approved college. To practice at CHHC, Acupuncturists must be current members. All Practitioners at CHHC are trained in Five Elements Acupuncture.
Eric Goodchild BA LicAC MBAcC
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- Eric has been practising Acupuncture in Cheltenham since 1981. He qualified from the College of Traditional Acupuncture UK, where he studied under Professor J.R. Worsley, one of the first to introduce classical Chinese acupuncture to the West. Eric is one of the founders of the Cheltenham Holistic Health Centre. As well as being a Director of CHHC he is actively involved in the development of the acupuncture profession in the UK and has held several offices, including Chairman and President of the Traditional Acupuncture Society.
- Working Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday AM
Testimonials for Eric
“Eric put me at my ease and remained a source of support throughout my IVF treatment and subsequent pregnancy. I recommend acupuncture and in particular, treatment from Eric, to friends going through fertility problems.” RP, Jan. 2011
“The ‘boost’ I get from acupuncture puts me back on track to enjoy the simplicity of being alive in a healthy functioning body. Also, for what it’s worth, Eric is a top-notch guy and great person to get to know.” TL, Jan. 2011
Acupuncture First Consultation: Adult £75 (80 mins.) Child £50 (80 mins.) Further Consultations: Adult £55 (40 mins) Child £40 (40 mins)
Click here to book your appointment.
Ric Malkinson BA (Hons) Lic. Ac. MBAcC Traditional Acupuncture
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After being introduced to Traditional Acupuncture over 15 years ago, Ric became fascinated with its theory and tradition – the simplicity of Yin/Yang and Five Elements concepts and with the thousand-year history of an effective drug-free medicine.
Ric qualified as an acupuncturist in 2010 with a First Class Honours degree from the College of Traditional Acupuncture in Warwick and is a registered member of the British Acupuncture Council.
- Working Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Testimonials for Ric
“Fantastic approach. And very knowledgeable. Thoroughly recommend.” (BB – Cheltenham)
“I immediately started to feel better after my first treatment, and continued to make good progress throughout the first 5 sessions. I found Ric’s sympathetic and holistic approach very therapeutic and reassuring, both with the pain and in managing my stress levels. Every time that I visit Ric, I walk away from the appointment feeling relaxed with a general sense of well being.” (CY – Cheltenham)
“I’d never considered acupuncture before, and was amazed at the improvement after only the second treatment. Within a few months of regular treatments with Ric my quality of life has been the best I have known for 20 years.” (WL – Stroud)
“There were times when my mood was quite despondent, and I was feeling lacklustre and tired all the time. But during and since treatment I have enjoyed a better state of being… what a joy that my life is no longer determined and dominated by this! I am more relaxed and there is more enjoyment. The treatments have certainly been a positive experience and I cherish this.” (MM – Birmingham)
“I’ve been receiving regular acupuncture treatments from Ric for over a year; I’ve felt a big improvement in my symptoms. He has a real sensitivity and warmth which, coupled with his knowledge and passion for acupuncture, has made it a wonderful experience – despite me not being particularly keen on needles!“ (EP – Cheltenham)
Acupuncture First Consultation: Adult £75 (80 mins.) Child £50 (80 mins.) Further Consultations: Adult £55 (40 mins) Child £40 (40 mins)
Click here to book your appointment.