Restorative Yoga & Restorative Yoga +
Katie’s hugely popular Restorative Yoga classes continue on a monthly basis. Restorative yoga is a deeply relaxing style of yoga. Each asana is held anywhere from 2-10 minutes, depending on the pose and the student. During this time you will be supported by blankets, bolsters or/and blocks. The asanas are based on those found in a regular yoga class and most postures will be floor based. The physical part of the class will be followed by a yoga nidra meditation. These classes will be 90 minutes.
In addition, Katie has added a new series of classes, Restorative Yoga +. Building from Katie’s recent training in self-myofascial release, these workshops will include all the elements of the restorative yoga workshops, plus an insight and experience of self-myofascial release to release long held tension within the muscle and fascia systems. These classes will be 120 minutes.
Restorative Yoga, Sunday 28 January at 10am
Restorative Yoga, Sunday 18 February at 10am
Restorative Yoga, Friday 23 March at 6pm
Restorative Yoga, Saturday 21 April at 4pm
Restorative Yoga, Sunday 22 April at 10am
Restorative Yoga +, Sunday 11 March at 4pm
Restorative Yoga +, Sunday 6 May at 4pm
Bookings are essential. Please contact Katie directly to book your place. 07581861906.
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