Spring in Traditional Chinese Medicine is associated with the Wood Element (and its corresponding organs, Liver and Gall Bladder). It’s a time of energy, of rising yang and renewal. The earth is coming alive again after its winter slumber and so are we!
The principle of the Five Elements in Eastern Philosophy describes the flow of Qi (energy) through these different stages, with each element having a corresponding season, time of the year and governing internal organ. A practitioner in Chinese Medicine will use these principles to identify imbalances within this flow and use techniques such as acupuncture, herbs or recommended lifestyle changes to treat health problems.
Adapting your lifestyle with the season can have a really positive affect on your overall health, energy levels and immune system.
Here are a few changes you can make in Spring:
- Eat your greens. Green is the colour associated with the Wood element in Chinese Medicine and thinking of the natural world, it’s easy to see why. Adding fresh, young greens to your diet at this time of year is a great way to support, and cleanse, your system.
- Stretch! The ligaments and tendons of the body are also indicated by the wood (liver) element. Now’s a good time to gently waken them up, try adding a morning yoga session to your daily schedule
- Try an acupuncture session. Even a quarterly (seasonal) session, to balance your system can keep you in tip-top condition and help your body adjust to the rush of spring energy.