Marianne Andrews mBANT CHNC

Marianne Andrews is a qualified Nutritional Therapist offering consultations on a one to one basis, to give you the best and most effective nutritional programme to suit you.   Marianne specialises in helping mid-lifers who are struggling with energy levels, menopausal symptoms, digestive issues and weight control.  She passionately believes in helping us all to be the best that we can be with the benefit of good nutrition,

Marianne offers a free 20 minute Discovery Call so that you can discuss where your health is now and where you would like it to be. See her website for more information:

Recent testimonial – Sue Millington.

“Thank you for all your good ideas I went for my latest review today and my blood sugar is now down from 55 to 48!  My weight has dropped a little, blood pressure is fine….Thank you Marianne, I am so glad I sought your help and will continue to follow my new regime. I feel terrific physically and now emotionally as well.”


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