The hay fever season is fast approaching, which means an estimated 15 million sufferers will be desperate for relief from the symptoms of sore eyes, runny nose and sneezing.
Hay fever is a form of allergic rhinitis caused by plant pollen or spores. Alongside inflammation of the nasal lining, the sinuses, throat and eyes are commonly affected.
There are two approaches to dealing with hay fever. Firstly you can take a symptomatic approach, treating the symptoms as they occur. Secondly, you can look at ways of preventing and reducing your hay fever symptoms. Hay fever sufferers will always have an allergy to pollen and/or spores, however at certain times in your week, month and life you can be more sensitive to this allergy due to circumstances happening in your life, foods you’ve eaten and stress. Therefore it is often advisable to look for ways to boost your immune system and reduce stress levels.
Here are our tips on natural remedies to relieve and prevent hay fever symptoms:
Nettle – Nettle is a natural antihistamine that works quickly to reduce sneezing and itching. The best way to use it is in capsules. You can take 500mg three times a day.
Apple cider vinegar for hay fever – Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Drink three times a day for four days. The allergies will disappear for the season.
Wild Cherry Bark – This can be used to soothe the nose. Supplements, powders and syrups can be found in most health stores.
Cranial Osteopathy – Cranial osteopathy uses manipulation of the skull, thus allowing the body to re balance itself. It also helps to regulate the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, which helps relieve congestion.
Local Honey – Taking a spoonful of honey every day can really help. Studies have shown that as an antibacterial and healing agent it is better than over-the-counter remedies for coughs, colds, sore throats and hay fever symptoms.
Elderflower – Taken regularly, slightly before and during the hay fever season, Elderflower can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.
Chinese Blackberry Tea – Popular hay fever remedy in Japan, which can be bought at health food stores.
Acupuncture – Acupuncture can be successful at relieving many of the Hay fever symptoms by regulating the flow of ‘qi’, your body’s vital energy. Acupuncture can help reduce your sensitivity to the allergies by looking at any stresses and circumstance in your life that are causing high sensitivity. Acupuncturists advise to start treatment before the hay fever season starts, so possibly at the start of the year.
Echinacea – This helps strengthen the immune system.
Reflexology – Reflexology helps the body restore its balance naturally and therefore is useful at relieving the symptoms of hay fever. Reflexology can also boost your immune system and reduce stress levels, which can help prevent symptoms occurring.
Radish juice to get rid of mucus – 1 cup of water, 1 dash of lime juice, 1 dash of radish juice, 4 tablespoons vinegar. Stir everything and take 4 times a day for five days.
Bowen Technique – a natural, drug-free, non-invasive complementary therapy that can also help treat the seasonal disorder, which ‘asks’ the body to recognise the ailment and make the changes it requires.
Homoeopathy – Homoeopathy introduces a copycat illness into the body in order to clear out the original one: the idea is that it will then disappear by itself.