When is your New Year?
1st January? End of January? Beginning of February? The beginning of Spring for many countries in the Northern Hemisphere is marked by ancient festivals like Candlemas, St Brigid’s Day and Imbloc, These festivals fall around the time of the first full, or new, moon or the sighting of the first wild snowdrop in bloom, signalling the regeneration from the depths of the dark and cold. This seems much more like the beginning of a new year than 1st January, don’t you think?
So what is a New Year? The beginning of 365 consecutive days and a time when we resolve to make things different so that we, and those we love, have more enjoyment. Well today is the first day of 365 consecutive days, what’s stopping us resolving to make those changes now or whenever feels right for us? Nothing, your New Year can start whenever you want it to, so when are you going to choose?
Many people won’t be reading this and will look to start their New Year on 1st January; some will be able to successfully go it alone to achieve their plans and other may look for support in doing so; perhaps that might be a tutor, a personal trainer, an alternative therapist or a slimming class. Others will consider coaching, as you may have done, but might not feel ready for one-to-one coaching. For those of you who have considered coaching, Osmosis Dynamics are launching their online coaching package at the beginning of January 2016 giving you six weeks of online modules and coaching via smartphone, tablet, laptop and more. It is an excellent resource for you to be able to stop and look at where you are and how you would like things to be, so that you are ready to start your New Year on a day that is your very own personal New Year’s Day!
To ensure you are one of the first to receive full details of this new self-managed coaching product and to have a chance to buy at the significantly reduced launch price, please provide your details via this link – New Online Coaching Product News – and keep an eye on your emails for full details of what you will find when you purchase and log-in to your online coaching programme.
If you have any questions at this stage please feel free to email Emma on emma@osmosisdynamics.co.uk.
Emma Kingscott, Osmosis Dynamics – Coaching for your Professional and Personal Life www.osmosisdynamics.co.uk